Friday Follow Up – Chalk It Up

One of the more prominent forms of art seen over the years at Starbucks around the world are the chalk renderings.

Usually found as a menu board, and many times artistically created by talented partners!  This piece I found off a great Pinterest page FULL of partners chalk art…

And of course Starbucks has even given customers a try at our own chalk-like art with the create-your-own cups!

But over the years I’ve come across some amazing pieces that were born from the hands of brilliant artists!  True professionals of their day in this media so old in history but still so relevant.

The first artist I’d like to showcase is Andrea Casey who not only has created masterpieces for Starbucks (and many others) but who also has a very artistic website!  Here are two pieces to tempt your curiosity into her lovely portfolio!


Another commissioned artist I found was Kimberly Parker,  who also shows what it takes to work her chalk magic.  Here is the finished piece..

And then there is the Asian artist Mindflyer, who was commissioned for this piece in Singapore…

But honestly, it might be my personal preference because typography is a love of mine (as a life-long Toulouse Lautrec fan) but this chalk art by Jaymie McAmmond is just so exquisitely done that I could stare at its purest intricacies for hours!

I mean seriously… these perfectly straight lines, the perfect symmetry of the objects, it’s simply mesmerizing to behold!  HOW can you make chalk look like print?!  But now I know you absolutely can because these were drafted on chalkboard with chalk and then penciled in before printing them.  Still, it’s chalk art and it’s BRILLIANT!

As I go into this weekend trying to complete my own Starbucks masterpieces I take great pleasure knowing that Starbucks encourages art and creativity through partner, professional or customer access to medias like chalk…

CHALK… it’s not just for the sidewalk anymore!